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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Print sudoku puzzles

These Sudoku puzzles are free for personal use. Teachers are welcome to print these puzzles in quantity for classroom distribution. (Limitations: They may not be reproduced or distributed in any salable form. They may not be used for promotional or marketing purposes. They may not be published elsewhere on the internet.)

All of the puzzles are meant to be solved on paper with a pen or pencil. There are two puzzles on each web page. Select a pair of puzzles and they will open in a new browser window. Print the page. It will fit nicely on a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper.

The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

Easy Sudoku
041 & 042 (Puzzle, Sol.) New
039 & 040 (Puzzle, Solution)
037 & 038 (Puzzle, Solution)
035 & 036 (Puzzle, Solution)
033 & 034 (Puzzle, Solution)
031 & 032 (Puzzle, Solution)
029 & 030 (Puzzle, Solution)
027 & 028 (Puzzle, Solution)
025 & 026 (Puzzle, Solution)
023 & 024 (Puzzle, Solution)
021 & 022 (Puzzle, Solution)
019 & 020 (Puzzle, Solution)
017 & 018 (Puzzle, Solution)
015 & 016 (Puzzle, Solution)
013 & 014 (Puzzle, Solution)
011 & 012 (Puzzle, Solution)
009 & 010 (Puzzle, Solution)
007 & 008 (Puzzle, Solution)
005 & 006 (Puzzle, Solution)
003 & 004 (Puzzle, Solution)
001 & 002 (Puzzle, Solution)
Medium Sudoku
041 & 042 (Puzzle, Sol.) New
039 & 040 (Puzzle, Solution)
037 & 038 (Puzzle, Solution)
035 & 036 (Puzzle, Solution)
033 & 034 (Puzzle, Solution)
031 & 032 (Puzzle, Solution)
029 & 030 (Puzzle, Solution)
027 & 028 (Puzzle, Solution)
025 & 026 (Puzzle, Solution)
023 & 024 (Puzzle, Solution)
021 & 022 (Puzzle, Solution)
019 & 020 (Puzzle, Solution)
017 & 018 (Puzzle, Solution)
015 & 016 (Puzzle, Solution)
013 & 014 (Puzzle, Solution)
011 & 012 (Puzzle, Solution)
009 & 010 (Puzzle, Solution)
007 & 008 (Puzzle, Solution)
005 & 006 (Puzzle, Solution)
003 & 004 (Puzzle, Solution)
001 & 002 (Puzzle, Solution)
Hard Sudoku
039 & 040 (Puzzle, Solution)
037 & 038 (Puzzle, Solution)
035 & 036 (Puzzle, Solution)
033 & 034 (Puzzle, Solution)
031 & 032 (Puzzle, Solution)
029 & 030 (Puzzle, Solution)
027 & 028 (Puzzle, Solution)
025 & 026 (Puzzle, Solution)
023 & 024 (Puzzle, Solution)
021 & 022 (Puzzle, Solution)
019 & 020 (Puzzle, Solution)
017 & 018 (Puzzle, Solution)
015 & 016 (Puzzle, Solution)
013 & 014 (Puzzle, Solution)
011 & 012 (Puzzle, Solution)
009 & 010 (Puzzle, Solution)
007 & 008 (Puzzle, Solution)
005 & 006 (Puzzle, Solution)
003 & 004 (Puzzle, Solution)
001 & 002 (Puzzle, Solution)

Sudoku book

The Book of Impossible Sudoku is an ideal gag gift. It contains 100 different Sudoku puzzles that all look possible at first glance, but turn out to be impossible to solve if you dare to try!

From the final page of the book:

If you've attempted to solve any of the Sudoku puzzles in this book, you may by now have noticed that they are rather difficult to complete; in fact, all of the puzzles in this book are truly impossible.

Every puzzle has been derived from a set of valid Sudoku puzzles. Each valid puzzle consists of 24 initial values and was analysed to ensure that there is a unique solution.

One of the numbers in each valid puzzle was then altered, such that the apparent integrity of the puzzle was preserved. This simply means that the change did not result in more than one identical number appearing in the same row, column or box. Each new puzzle was exhaustively analysed to ensure that there were no possible solutions.

All puzzles that turned out to have no possible solutions were included in this book. The process of generating the impossible puzzles was carried out automatically using a Java program, and exported to EPS format using the EpsGraphics2D package at

So — you may now be wondering, "What is the point of The Book of Impossible Sudoku?" Well, you're reading this page, so it's clearly got your attention somehow.

This book was originally envisaged as a joke — a gag gift that you can give to your Sudoku-loving enemies; or maybe you simply want to keep a copy on your bookshelf to taunt your guests? Either way, you can enjoy watching people's frustration as they attempt to solve the puzzles in this book, only to reach the inevitable deadlock where they are unable to proceed — possibly believing that they have made a mistake somewhere along the line.

Of course, the nature of this book will become apparent when your victims stumble upon this page; however, the solution is simple: find a pair of scissors and you will realise why this is the last page in the book... offers three free printable Sudoku books with 25 puzzles each. Book one features 25 very easy Sudoku puzzles, book two has 25 easy Sudoku puzzles, and book three has 25 Sudoku puzzles of medium difficulty. The books are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. They also have solution books for all three Sudoku volumes.

Electronic Handheld Sudoku Game

Despite Sudoku's recent boom in popularity the game itself has been around for yonks. So it's rather surprising that nobody has ever bothered to produce a handheld electronic version. Well, guess what? They have now, and it's here at Firebox!

Electronic Sudoku is, as you may have surmised, a handheld LCD version of the world's favourite numbers puzzle, and it's just as fiendishly addictive as the printed game seen in every newspaper in the land. The difference here is that you won't get your mitts grubby or be distracted by pages of non-stories as you play.

Electronic Sudoku If you're reading this and wondering if Electronic Sudoku transforms into a radio controlled spacedog, fires edible scorpions or plays DVDs, then the answer is no. So how come Firebox is selling it, then? Well, the fact is Sudoku really is as ridiculously compelling as everyone says. And this electronic version might not feature dive-bombing aliens or mallet-happy plumbers, but it's just as unputdownable as the Donkey Kongs and Galaxians of this world.

Electronic Sudoku Basically, the object of Sudoku is to solve mind-mangling number puzzles and enter your solutions on a crossword-style grid. Yes, we know that sounds about as interesting as... er, solving number puzzles played on a crossword-style grid, but believe us, the minute you start playing you'll be hopelessly hooked. A bazillion Carol Vorderman fans can't be wrong, can they?

Electronic Sudoku Indeed, Electronic Sudoku has impressed us so much we're selling two different versions: the standard pushbutton/joypad edition features over 750 puzzles, 3 skill levels, a puzzle timer and sound effects. Perfect for Sudoku fans on the move. The ultra-chic touch screen edition contains over 100,000 puzzles and features 2 modes with 4 skill levels a piece. Simply input your solutions via the easy-to-use touch screen stylus. Ideal for roving Sudoku sophisticates.

Electronic Sudoku If you're eager to sample the delights of Sudoku but would sooner be caught reading Anorak Weekly than seen travelling with a puzzle book or a pile of papers, Electronic Sudoku is most definitely for you. In fact, old-style Sudoku's number could well be up!

Electronic Handheld Sudoku Game

Despite Sudoku's recent boom in popularity the game itself has been around for yonks. So it's rather surprising that nobody has ever bothered to produce a handheld electronic version. Well, guess what? They have now, and it's here at Firebox!

Electronic Sudoku is, as you may have surmised, a handheld LCD version of the world's favourite numbers puzzle, and it's just as fiendishly addictive as the printed game seen in every newspaper in the land. The difference here is that you won't get your mitts grubby or be distracted by pages of non-stories as you play.

Electronic Sudoku If you're reading this and wondering if Electronic Sudoku transforms into a radio controlled spacedog, fires edible scorpions or plays DVDs, then the answer is no. So how come Firebox is selling it, then? Well, the fact is Sudoku really is as ridiculously compelling as everyone says. And this electronic version might not feature dive-bombing aliens or mallet-happy plumbers, but it's just as unputdownable as the Donkey Kongs and Galaxians of this world.

Electronic Sudoku Basically, the object of Sudoku is to solve mind-mangling number puzzles and enter your solutions on a crossword-style grid. Yes, we know that sounds about as interesting as... er, solving number puzzles played on a crossword-style grid, but believe us, the minute you start playing you'll be hopelessly hooked. A bazillion Carol Vorderman fans can't be wrong, can they?

Electronic Sudoku Indeed, Electronic Sudoku has impressed us so much we're selling two different versions: the standard pushbutton/joypad edition features over 750 puzzles, 3 skill levels, a puzzle timer and sound effects. Perfect for Sudoku fans on the move. The ultra-chic touch screen edition contains over 100,000 puzzles and features 2 modes with 4 skill levels a piece. Simply input your solutions via the easy-to-use touch screen stylus. Ideal for roving Sudoku sophisticates.

Electronic Sudoku If you're eager to sample the delights of Sudoku but would sooner be caught reading Anorak Weekly than seen travelling with a puzzle book or a pile of papers, Electronic Sudoku is most definitely for you. In fact, old-style Sudoku's number could well be up!

Electronic sudoku

Sudoku (Su Doku) is a logic based placement puzzle, sometimes referred to as Number Place in the United States and Canada.
Touch screen sudoku from the new york times

The New York Times Touch SuDoku contains more than 800 puzzles, all selected by world-renowned puzzle expert Will Shortz.

The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 sub-grids - called "regions", starting with various numerals given in some cells - the "givens". Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. Solving the puzzle requires patience and logic. Its grid layout will remind you of other newspaper puzzles like crosswords and chess problems.

Sudoku puzzles:

Sudoku puzzles do not require any knowledge of mathematics to solve. Move mouse pointer over the sample puzzle to see the solution. However, Sudoku does require logic and reasoning. The use of numbers offers one method of identification – letters, colors, symbols or anything else can offer identifiers for the cells. Some children's games use animals.

online sudoku

Sudoku is a puzzle with a grid containing nine large blocks.

Each block is divided into its own matrix of nine cells. The rules for solving Sudoku puzzles are very simple: each row, column and block must contain one of the numbers from "1" to "9". No number may appear more than once in any row, column, or block. When you’ve filled the entire grid, the puzzle is solved.

samurai sudoku

Samurai sudoku puzzles consist of five overlapping sudoku grids. The standard sudoku rules apply to each 9 x 9 grid. Place digits from 1 to 9 in each empty cell. Every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box should contain one of each digit.

The puzzles on Samurai Sudoku have one unique solution which can be found with pure logic, no guessing required.Learn more about sudoku samurai and other sudoku variants at Wikipedia Sudoku

Our Sudoku Archive has many graded puzzles. All the puzzle designs on this site have been created by hand, not computer.

The Samurai Sudoku puzzles is another variation of the original Sudoku Puzzles made popular by the Times Newspaper. The game is essentially the same except it consists of 5 sudokus which are linked via the centre one, which will provide even the experienced Sudoku Addict with a good challenge.

Samurai 1
Samurai 1 - Download

Samurai 2
Samurai 2 - Download

Samurai 3 - Download

Samurai 4 - Download

Samurai 5 - Download

Samurai 6 - Download

The Samuria Sudoku's above can be downloaded in a printable word document for you to easily print and solve. Although I must warn that these samurai puzzles are seriously addictive and can take a long time to solve. So beware! The answers to the samurai sudoku's can be dowloaded below if you get stuck or want to check your answers.

How to Play Sudoku

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration.
There is really only one rule to Sudoku: Fill in the game board so that the numbers 1 through 9 occur exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 box. The numbers can appear in any order and diagonals are not considered. Your initial game board will consist of several numbers that are already placed. Those numbers cannot be changed. Your goal is to fill in the empty squares following the simple rule above.
Many of the games available on feature unique twists on Sudoku basics. Experiment with the different Sudoku games and discover these exciting variations!

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row.
2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column.
3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box.
4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

sudoku solutions

Want to check your answers for a Sudoku puzzle from your newspaper or magazine? Our Sudoku Solutions tool is a quick and easy way to see how you've done (or get a little extra help).
Select the publication you are using from the drop down menu. Enter the first five auto-generated numbers from the puzzle (left to right, top to bottom), click the Find Solution button and the Sudoku Solutions tool will generate the answers to the puzzle you're working on.
The Sudoku Solutions tool supports Sudoku puzzles from Pappocom only. If your publication does not appear in the drop down menu, it is not using Pappocom Sudoku puzzles.